Here are some of good lists hosted by APA and students may subscribe by
sending a message with "subscribe listname their name" to

"Psycgrad"- for all graduate students in psychology, but I'm sure most
subscribers would be willing to answer undergrads' questions about graduate
school, etc.

"Mentors"- for students interested in private practice where they can ask
questions, get advice, and network with professionals who are already in
private practice.

"Scigrad"- for graduate students in more "science-oriented" programs, but
I'm sure they would be willing to answer undergrads' questions about grad
school in experimental, cognitive, social psych programs, etc.

"Edteach"- discussion for students wishing to pursues careers in teaching

"Apagswomen"- for discussion of womens' issues in psychology graduate study
(very open to women at all phases of education)

"Apaemgs"- for discussion of ethnic/minority psych grad students

"Apagsdisabilities"- for discussion of psych grad students with disabilities

"Apagsinternational"- for discussion of psych international grad students
studying in the us

"Cogaps"- for students studying cognitive psych

I would also welcome students at all phases of education to join a list that
I recently took over- "Pit-D" for Psychotherapists in Training (includes
persons from not only psychology programs, but also marriage and family
therapists, social workers, counselors, etc.) Subscribe by sending an email
"subscribe pit-d your name" (without the quotes) in the body of the message

Jessica Percodani
M.S./Psy.D. Student
Chestnut Hill College
Philadelphia, PA

Graduate Study in Psychology and
Related Fields: Getting In, Succeeding
Once You're There, and Putting You're
Degree To Work

List Owner,
"Psychotherapists in Training Disucssion"
Subscribe by sending an email to
"subscribe pit-d your name" (without the quotes)
in the body of the message

----- Original Message -----
From: "Michael Sylvester" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, September 17, 2001 10:13 AM
Subject: info

> I am toying with the idea of requiring my students to join a listserv
> as part of a course requirement.
> Any suggestions as to what list they should join and for what courses?
> Michael Sylvester,PhD
> Daytona Beach,Florida

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