As I was going through the Sci Am web site, I stumbled across the
following discussion about a possible function of the human appendix.
That is, we may be wrong when we say that the appendix is a vestigial
part of our anatomy. Since we sometimes discuss common scientific myths
on this list, I thought that some of you might be interested in reading
the discussion.



Does the appendix serve a purpose in any animal?

N. Roberts,

Julie Pomerantz, wildlife veterinarian and program officer for the
Wildlife Trust’s North American Conservation Medicine Initiative, offers
the following explanation:

As a specific anatomic structure, the appendix has been described in
only a few species. In humans and apes, it is a thin, tubular structure
(hence the name vermiform, or "worm-like," appendix) located at the apex
of the cecum, a blind pouch near the beginning of the large intestine.
Scientists have also identified appendix-like structures in other
species of primates, but these structures have not been well
characterized. Rabbits and some rodents have appendices, and it is
research on these species that has begun to shed some light on the
mystery of the organ’s function.

Previously it was thought that the sack-like rabbit appendix served
primarily as a reservoir for the bacteria involved in hindgut
fermentation. That explanation, however, did not account for the absence
of an appendix in other animals with similar digestive systems or for
its presence in humans. When researchers examined the appendix
microscopically, they found that it contains a significant amount of
lymphoid tissue. Similar aggregates of lymphoid tissue occur in other
areas of the gastrointestinal and are known as gut-associated lymphoid
tissues (GALT). The functions of GALT are poorly understood, but it is
clear that they are involved in the body’s ability to recognize foreign
antigens in ingested material.

Thus, although scientists have long discounted the human appendix as a
vestigial organ, there is a growing body of evidence indicating that the
appendix does in fact have a significant function as a part of the
body’s immune system. The appendix may be particularly important early
in life because it achieves its greatest development shortly after birth
and then regresses with age, eventually coming to resemble such other
regions of GALT as the Peyer’s patches in the small intestine. The
immune response mediated by the appendix may also relate to such
inflammatory conditions as ulcerative colitis. In adults, the appendix
is best known for its tendency to become inflamed, necessitating
surgical removal.

Dasso JF. Howell MD. 1997. "Neonatal appendectomy impairs mucosal
immunity in rabbits." Cellular Immunology. 182(1):29-37.

Dasso JF. Obiakor H. Bach H. Anderson AO. Mage RG. 2000. "A
morphological and immunohistological study of the human and rabbit
appendix for comparison with the avian bursa." Developmental &
Comparative Immunology. 24(8):797-814.

Fisher, RE. 2000. "The primate appendix: a reassessment." The Anatomical
Record (New Anatomist) 261:228-236.

Panaccione R. Sandborn WJ. 1999. "The appendix in ulcerative colitis: a
not so innocent bystander." Gastroenterology. 117(1):272-3.

Weinstein PD. Mage RG. Anderson AO. 1994. "The appendix functions as a
mammalian bursal equivalent in the developing rabbit." Advances in
Experimental Medicine & Biology. 355:249-53.

Answer posted August 24, 2001

Jeffry P. Ricker, Ph.D.          Office Phone:  (480) 423-6213
9000 E. Chaparral Rd.            FAX Number: (480) 423-6298
Psychology Department            [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Scottsdale Community College
Scottsdale, AZ  85256-2626

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