While I'm on a rant about the publication manual, the
subjects/participants distinction seems silly.  For an excellent
discussion of this, see the footnote at the end of Chapter 1 in Kazdin's
(1998) Research Design in Clinical Psychology.

"[In Kazdin's text] the term subject(s) is retained but used
interchangeably with other terms (participant, client, patients).  The
term is also important because it has been adopted in key topics related
to methodology (e.g., subject selection, subject artifacts).  Also,
participants in research include investigators (who design the study),
experimenters (who administer the conditions), and, in an important
sense, consumers of research (other professionals, the public at
large).  The distinctions are leaborated later; nevertheless, it is
important to be clear at all times about who provides the data (i.e.,

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* Mike Scoles                       *    [EMAIL PROTECTED]  *
* Department of Psychology          *    voice: (501) 450-5418  *
* University of Central Arkansas    *    fax:   (501) 450-5424  *
* Conway, AR    72035-0001          *                           *

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