This article may be what was being referenced:


Rick Froman<>

On Jan 31, 2010, at 12:06 PM, "Christopher D. Green" 
<<>> wrote:

We don't know. He seemed to have some real medical condition, which various 
people have attempted to retroactively diagnose in myriad ways (almost always, 
and ironically, ignoring the evolutionary fact that all the diseases of 
Darwin's time may not map perfectly well on to the diseases of  today). One of 
Darwin's best biographers, Janet Browne, has, quite reasonably, suggested that 
Darwin would sometimes exploit his frequent bouts of "unwellenss" to keep at 
bay prospective visitors whom he did not really want to see.

If that counts as "hypochondira," so be it.


Christopher D. Green
Department of Psychology
York University
Toronto, ON M3J 1P3

416-736-2100 ex. 66164


michael sylvester wrote:

Having posed the question "was Darwin a hypochrondiac?" Paul Brandon replied 
with a flat "NO",but provided no references to back up
his answer.However,a program on NPR aired last week claimed that Darwin 
exaggerated his
symptoms which can viewed within the hypochrongiacal paradigm.His illness may 
have been imaginary,but exaggerations and pre-
occupations with one's health status can be viewed as signs of 
hypochrondiasis.Darwin apparently had a body image problem.His nose was of 
discomfort to him.As a matter of fact he almost did not make the trip on the 
HMS Beagle since the captain did not like his nose and he was sickly looking.
Darwin was a vegetarian and this could have exaggerated his health 
problems.People need meat for protein and muscle especially as one ages.Beef is 
essential for overall health-beans and rice won't cut it.So Darwin's health 
problems could have been self-imposed.
If we are to believe reports that he stuttered,this also suggest that some 
psychological conflicts
was underlying his interpersonal communication.Since water treatments were 
standard medical practice at that time I am curious if he was water boarded.

As usual I stand corrected.

Michael "omnicentric" Sylvester,PhD
Daytona Beach,Florida


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