Our stat course is still relatively new. When we first set it up, we copied the 
prerequisite used by the other two stat courses on campus (MATH and Business). 
They listed Finite Math as a prerequisite. After 4 semesters I asked the 
Registrar for the stat class grade and prior math courses taken by everyone who 
had taken the PSYC stat course (our system does no prerequisite checking, so 
students can register for classes that they have not met the prereqs for - but 
that's another issue). What I found was that students who had taken Finite Math 
did no better than those who had taken no college-level math. They failed and 
withdrew at the same rate. Those who had taken a college-level course that gave 
them a strong background in algebra - either MATH 101 (Intro) or MATH 105 
(Algebra) earned higher grades and tended to withdraw from the class less 
often. So, we changed our pre-requisites.
Larry Z. Daily 
Associate Professor of Psychology 
Psychology Department Chair 
Department of Psychology 
Free School 
Shepherd University 
Shepherdstown, West Virginia 25443 
Psychology phone: (304) 876-5297 
email: lda...@shepherd.edu 
WWW: http://webpages.shepherd.edu/LDAILY/index.html 
Adam's prize was open eyes 
His sentence was to see 
                      - The Dreamer 
                      - Tom Rush 


From: Gerald Peterson [mailto:peter...@svsu.edu]
Sent: Fri 1/29/2010 10:33 AM
To: Teaching in the Psychological Sciences (TIPS)
Subject: [tips] Prep for Psych stats?

We had a discussion at a dept. meeting regarding our requirement of a Math 
class (involves intermediate algebra) for our Psych Statistics class.  This 
Math class is college level and not remedial, and some of our stats instructors 
feel the math class is at a level above what should be required for our stats 
class.  All of our students have basic math skills and we initially thought 
this math class should be required to insure basic arithmetical operations.  
The class now appears to be at a higher level than some think is necessary.  I 
was wondering if other TIPS folks have a Math pre-req for the Psych Stats class 
and whether it you feel it functions well as a pre-req.  My own view is that 
students should have basic math skills but do not need a higher level college 
math class before our Stats class.  We have an advanced Stat class where 
students can sharpen their stats thinking and, of course, those going on to 
grad work in psych (approx 19%) will have further opportunities to develop 
understanding of more advanced statistical techniques.  Thanks for any 

Gerald L. (Gary) Peterson, Ph.D.
Professor, Department of Psychology
Saginaw Valley State University
University Center, MI 48710

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