
A. Nice dataset for demonstrating contingency chi2 and goodness of fit chi2.  
Here's the analyses in SPSS.

data list free / gend assign freq.
begin data
1 1 8
1 2 6
2 1 2
2 2 33
end data.

weight by freq.

crosstabs /tables = gend by assign /stat = all.

gend * assign Crosstabulation
           assign     Total 
           1.00  2.00       
 gend 1.00 8     6    14    
      2.00 2     33   35    
 Total     10    39   49    

Chi-Square Tests
                 Value     df Asymp. Sig.     Exact Sig.      Exact Sig.      
                              (2-sided)       (2-sided)       (1-sided)       
 Fisher's Exact                               .000            .000            

nonpar test /chisq gend.

       Observed N Expected N Residual 
 1.00  14         24.5       -10.5    
 2.00  35         24.5       10.5     
 Total 49                             

 Chi-Square(a) 9.000 
 df            1     
 Asymp. Sig.   .003  

B. Two interesting questions implied by Ken's data, given significant effects 
shown above.

B1.  Why aren't males more motivated to  complete such assignments?

B2.  Why aren't psychology courses being chosen more equally by male and female 

Take care

James M. Clark
Professor of Psychology
204-774-4134 Fax

>>> Ken Steele <steel...@appstate.edu> 21-Feb-10 4:57:38 PM >>>

I just finished grading an easy *extra-credit* assignment. 
Completion of the assignment (a 1-page analysis of an 
advertisement) resulted in 0.5 point on the final grade.

Here are the results:

Turn in Assignment              Male            Female

        Yes                     6               33

        No                      8               2

Kenneth M. Steele, Ph.D.                  steel...@appstate.edu
Professor and Assistant Chairperson
Department of Psychology          http://www.psych.appstate.edu 
Appalachian State University
Boone, NC 28608

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