Teaching of Psychology Idea Exchange (ToPIX) Weekly Update for 3/4 to



ToPIX had over 300 unique visitors in the last week.  If you'd like to
add your favorite teaching resources, activities, or videos to ToPIX,
send me an email for information on how to get started:
to...@teachpsych.org.  Looking forward to hearing from you!


Thanks to the members of the psych listservs (PsychTeacher, TIPS, p...@cc,
and Psych-News) and the contributors to the Teaching High School
Psychology blog ( http://teachinghighschoolpsychology.blogspot.com/). 




Interactive 3-D Brain at Genes to Cognition Online from Cold Spring
Harbor's Dolan DNA Learning Center and Mouse Party from the Genetic
Science Learning Center at the University of Utah.


New this week:


There is now a list of recommended books, most of which were pulled from
the recommendations that came from the recent discussion on
PsychTeacher.  Robin Musselman and Deanna Douglas are working to add
content to this list, including images of book covers/authors,
descriptions, links to reviews, and links to interviews.  Have books
you'd like to add?  Or are you interested in helping adding content to
the books that are there?  Drop me an email if you need help getting
started: to...@teachpsych.org.



Instructions on how to add content to ToPIX are now available. 



Lorenz's imprinted geese video.



A quick reaction time test for evaluating the presence of concussions.



Reversible figure-ground logos.



Temple Grandin's TED talk.



Joanne Frattaroli's presentation slides.  The slides aren't new, but the
screen capture preview is.



Annette Taylor's APA-style template with comments.  The template isn't
new, but the screen capture is.


http://teachpsych.pbworks.com/APA-Template-with-Comments (now with
screen capture) Rick Froman

Rick Froman's APA-style template with comments.  The template isn't new,
but the screen capture is.



Watch as the moving ball disappears into your blindspot.



>From ToP, teaching disorders mnemonically (added by Aaron Richmond).



>From ToP, using mnemonics to study neuroscience (added by Aaron



>From ToP, HOMER as an acronym for the scientific method (added by Aaron



ToPIX is a product of the Office of Teaching Resources in Psychology,
part of the Society for the Teaching of Psychology (STP).  If you find
this resource or other STP resources of value and aren't currently a
member of STP, consider joining to support the work of the society.
Membership is only $25/year and you don't have to be a member of APA to
join: http://teachpsych.org/members/registration/index.php. 


Sue Frantz <http://flightline.highline.edu/sfrantz/>
Highline Community College
Psychology, Coordinator                Des Moines, WA
206.878.3710 x3404                      sfra...@highline.edu

Office of Teaching Resources in Psychology, Associate Director 

Teaching of Psychology Idea Exchange (ToPIX)

APA Division 2: Society for the Teaching of Psychology


APA's p...@cc Committee <http://www.apa.org/ed/pcue/ptatcchome.html>  



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