What would be the outcome of someone now sending "pseudodeppressives"
into primary care offices with complaints of being "unhappy" and "sad"
and "having trouble sleeping" in order to see how many were diagnosed
with mood disorder and given a presciption for antidepressants. I can
predict that most would be successful. But we don't see the current
state of affairs as scandalous as that which was exposed by Rosenhan.

Bill Scott

>>> "Christopher D. Green" <chri...@yorku.ca> 03/21/10 8:44 PM >>>
Since we've been discussing Rosenhan, I thought that this might interest

some of you. More than eight decades before Rosenhan sent his student to

mental hospitals pretending to be mad, a reporter for the /New York 
World/ who went by the pen name of Nellie Bly, feigned insanity in order

to gain admittance to a New York City insane asylum and find out what 
conditions were really like. After a week-and-a-half there, the 
newspaper had her sprung, and she wrote the devastating exposé _Ten Day 
in a Madhouse_  (1887). Her report prompted a grand jury investigation 
of conditions in mental hospitals.

A Wikipedia description is here:

Here's an excerpt: "The food consisted of gruel broth, spoiled beef, 
bread that was little more than dried dough, and dirty undrinkable 
water. The dangerous inmates were tied together with ropes. The inmates 
were made to sit for much of each day on hard benches with scant 
protection from the cold. Waste was all around the eating places. Rats 
crawled all around the hospital."

The full book can be found here: 

Interestingly, this was three years BEFORE Jacob Riis' _How the Other 
Half Lives_ made conditions in New York tenements a major social issue.


Christopher D. Green
Department of Psychology
York University
Toronto, ON M3J 1P3


416-736-2100 ex. 66164


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