On Wed, 07 Apr 2010 19:09:11 -0700, Stephen Black wrote:
>Enough about Jews, already?

Wait, we haven't discussed the Kaifeng Jews, the Chinese Jews; see:

For a 1907 article on the "Chinese Jews" that appeared in the
"National Geographics", see:

Is Stephen Black being disrespectful towards Aisians by not giving
them equal time?   ;-)

And oh, for more on "Jewish Genes" here is a blog based on a 2000 
article in a Proceedings of the National Academy of Scince:

Quoting from the blog's quote of the article:
|"Despite their long-term residence in different countries and 
|isolation from one another, most Jewish populations were 
|not significantly different from one another at the genetic level. 
|The results support the hypothesis that the paternal gene pools 
|of Jewish communities from Europe, North Africa and the 
|Middle East descended from a common Middle Eastern 
|ancestral population, and suggest that most Jewish communities 
|have remained relatively isolated from neighboring non-Jewish 
|communities during and after the Diaspora."
|(M.F. Hammer, Proc. Nat'l Academy of Science, May 9, 2000)

But why don't we open it up to all known Jewish groups, as
represented in a Wikipedia entry (SDA); see"

And what are we to make of Julius Lester? Oy Gewalt!

Well, as a Yeshiva student once told me during class where
we were having difficulty getting a consensus position on something:
"Look Prof, you get three Jews togethers, don't be surprised
that you get five opinions to deal with!"

-Mike Palij
New York University

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