With all the complaining we do about students, I just had to share the note I 
just received from of my intro psych students. And for the record, She only got 
a C+ on exam #1 & a B on exam #2. It made my day!

Edward I. Pollak, Ph.D.
Department of Psychology
West Chester University of Pennsylvania
Husband, father, grandfather, biopsychologist, & bluegrass fiddler...... in 
approximate order of importance.
Sent: Wednesday, April 07, 2010 7:57 PM
To: Pollak, Edward
Subject: you are awesome!
Dr. Pollak,

I was re-reading the syllabus online when I noticed the words "extra credit" in 
bold; so, naturally, I read what it said:

"There is no "extra credit." you either learn the material or you don't. The 
idea of allowing a failing student to do some alternative assignment in lieu of 
actually learning the material is, in my opinion, simply ridiculous."

Dr. Pollak, you are awesome. I am pretty sure reading that just made my day. 
Just thought I'd let you know! See you tomorrow for the exam.


Chemistry-Biology, 2012

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