Good eye and very funny: I didn't look closely at the picture and since it was 
next to the byline assumed it was just a picture of the author of the piece in 
the Guardian. LOL. I had to go back and look again after your post because I 
said to myself, I didn't remember seeing frankenstein in that article!


Annette Kujawski Taylor, Ph. D.
Professor, Psychological Sciences
University of San Diego
5998 Alcala Park
San Diego, CA 92110<>
From: []
Sent: Tuesday, July 13, 2010 5:59 AM
To: Teaching in the Psychological Sciences (TIPS)
Subject: Re: [tips] When the scientific evidence is unwelcome, people try to 
reason it away | Ben Goldacre | Comment is free | The Guardian

Yes, and we see similar responses around us all the time...even here on TIPS.  
But what is up with the picture of Frankenstein?! Perhaps this is Ben G's idea 
of science?  Perhaps
Scott L. might find that of interest re: characterizations of science...and 
psych?  Findings from Psych,  relevant to our everyday experiences, are even 
more likely to be challenging and thus lead to rejection of Psych as science?

Gary's iPad

On Jul 13, 2010, at 12:38 AM, "Christopher D. Green" 
<<><>> wrote:

Here is a description of an interesting study that might be of use in a 
critical thinking course (or cognition, or social psych, or methods). 
Apparently when you confront people with evidence that runs contrary to their 
pre-existing beliefs, they not only argue that science cannot address the 
question, they also often generalize that opinion of science to a wide range of 
other topics as well.


Christopher D. Green
Department of Psychology
York University
Toronto, ON M3J 1P3

416-736-2100 ex. 66164



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