On 27 Aug 2010 at 19:29 (GMT-5) Stephen Black wrote:
>  Hola Alejandro:
>  That's in Chile, my google tells me [Universidad Católica del 
>  Norte], not 500 km from the miracle of the miners, much in the 
>  news these days. And very good news at that. 
>  You may be our only TIPSter from the Southern Hemisphere. 
>  Welcome! How's the weather down there? Dry, I'll bet.
>  Regards
>  Stephen

Hola Stephen and TIPSters:

Thanks a lot for the welcome message.  Weather is fine, maybe a little bit
of rain and near the 70's, thanks for asking (I think in Sherbrooke, Canada,
it's about 54°F right now).  I'm near the Equator so we don’t have seasons,
it's the same temperature all year long (depending on the altitude, I live
at 7000 ft or 2150 m), so there are just rainy seasons and dry seasons... 

There are two universities with very similar names, one of those is the one
that you find in Chile (Universidad Catolica del Norte) and the other one is
in Colombia (Fundacion Universitaria Catolica del Norte).  I'm in Colombia,
near Medellin, working for an online psychology program.  

Two months ago we also have a tragedy with miners in this state (Antioquia),
but they weren't so lucky, all 73 died
http://www.minesandcommunities.org/article.php?a=10196  so I was really
pessimistic with the Chileans at the beginning, and now I'm glad to see that
I was wrong.  

I don't know if I'm the only tipster from South America, but I enjoy a lot
the discussion between TIPSters around teaching tips and psychology, that's
why I subscribed to the TIPS list and to the PSYTEACH list too.  I haven't
see something like the APA Division 2 here in South America, so maybe that's
why there aren't a lot of latino psychologists in TIPS (and, of course,
because of the language barrier).  

Since last year I've been working trying to overcome a little this barrier
translating some teaching tips to Spanish and sharing them with other
psychology teachers, making a website about the teaching of psychology in
Spanish, having a mail list to share information about the teaching of
psychology, and translating to Spanish the main page of the OTRP Teaching of
Psychology Idea Exchange http://teachpsych.pbworks.com/ (the "En Espanol"
section).  My next step is going to be the Webinars (using Microsoft Office
Live Meeting, GotoMeeting, WebEx or similar).  Right now it's a kind of
solitary effort, but I think that in the future more colleagues will be
interested and will also be able to participate more in this knowledge and
expertise sharing projects. 

I hope that all the TIPSters will have a nice weekend,
Alejandro Franco
Psychology Coordinator
Northern Catholic University
Email: alejandro.franc...@gmail.com
Skype: ensepsi

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