Women students were not taken seriously
Women students were taken advantage of
There were no black students
Special needs students were ignored and went unaccommodated
there were no or very few counseling services
Profs could and were often abusive in class
only 13% of those who graduated high school went on to college

The good old days were good because you don't want to remember the bad ones:  
history lesson.

Make it a good day


Louis Schmier                          http://www.therandomthoughts.edublogs.org
Department of History                        http://www.therandomthoughts.com
Valdosta State University
Valdosta, Georgia 31698                     /\   /\  /\                 /\     
(O)  229-333-5947                            /^\\/  \/   \   /\/\__   /   \  /  
(C)  229-630-0821                           /     \/   \_ \/ /   \/ /\/  /  \   
 /\  \
                                                     //\/\/ /\    \__/__/_/\_\/ 
   \_/__\  \
                                               /\"If you want to climb 
mountains,\ /\
                                           _ /  \    don't practice on mole 
hills" - /   \_

On Sep 15, 2010, at 11:22 AM, michael sylvester wrote:

In the good old days:

Students came to  see profs during office hours
Profs had only one test taking tip "know everything"
Text books had a few black and white photos,the rest was left to the 
imagination which further enhanced cognitive skills
A "D" was an honorable grade
Profs were not dishing out "A" grade like hot cakes

What else?

Michael "omnicentric" Sylvester,PhD
Daytona Beach,Florida


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