On Wed, 22 Sep 2010 06:34:10 -0700, Rick Froman wrote:
>Someone got up out of sorts this morning. However, who that is 
>may still be open to question. Given that the message contains 
>almost none of the elements for which Mike Palij's messages are 
>known, I think his account may have been hijacked. 

No, not hijacked, just p'oed.  Asking for support of one's position
is not an unusual or unreasonable request.  In Prof. Smith's case,
I found what he had to say offensive and I really would like to have
the factual basis for what he said.  Consider what he siad:

|Wasn't it a recognized 'fact' a while ago (70's?) that young Latina
|women behaved more seductively and provocatively than your average
|young american women and that the young american men took the 
|behavior as a come on? But that it was explained as a cultural difference 
|and as an example of the types of problems that can arise in mult-cultural

First, as someone who was a student and instructor during the 1970s,
I don't remember anyone in the social sciences expressing such a view.
Such a view would have been very controversal.  Second, if there was 
a research study that actually made this type of comparison, I would 
certainly like to have the reference for it.  As an offhand expression that 
this characterization is a "fact" treads very close to relying upon ethinic 
stereptypes.  Leo Chavez in his book "The Latino Threat: Constructing 
Immigrants, Citizens, and the Nation" points out:

|...The "hot" Latina is one of two stereotypes generally applied to Latinas.
|They are either hypersexualized and hot seductresses or pure virginal
|girls or married women, selfless obedient wives and mothers.  This
|latter stereotype is referred to as Marianismo, after theVirgin Mary,
|and is merged with the hot Latina stereotype into one hybrid image:
|the hypersexuality of the hot Latina combines with the abundant 
|fertility and uncontrolled reproduction of the Mariana mother to
|produce the "Latina threat"(35).  
Quoted from pages 74-75.

The book is availabe on books.google.com and following should
bring close to the quoted text:

Perhaps other Tipsters are not bothered by the use of such stereotypes
or don't care to review the empirical basis of such claim.  But I would
be worried by such a lack of concern.

And as for being able to back up one one says on a mailing list such as
Tips with facts or relevant references, let me remind people that we
are teachers who engage in scholarship and research.  We should be
cautious in the types of statements we make because we should avoid
making statements are factually incorrect or is biased or relies on
stereotypes.  People who make such statements should not be surprised
if they are called out on it.

I await Prof. Smith's reference for his "fact".  I'll give him the benefit
of the doubt and assume that he really does know of such a study or
research and is not relying upon stererotypes about Latinas.

-Mike Palij
New York University

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