On 5 Nov 2010 at 8:46, Christopher D. Green wrote:

> Americans have Independence Day, where fireworks 
represent the artillery of revolutionary battle. 
Canadians have Canada Day, where fireworks represent... the 
signing a peacefully negotiated charter?
The English have Guy Fawkes day, which celebrates there NOT 
having been a big explosion at Parliament? :-)

...which doesn't necessarily mean that the British commemorate 
a kinder, gentler event.

According to the Wikipedia entry:

"Each of the condemned would be drawn backwards to his 
death, by a horse, his head near the ground. They were to be 
"put to death halfway between heaven and earth as unworthy of 
both". Their genitals would be cut off and burnt before their 
eyes, and their bowels and hearts removed. They would then be 
decapitated, and the dismembered parts of their bodies 
displayed so that they might become "prey for the fowls of the 

Nowadays, even in America they treat terrorists better than that.


Stephen L. Black, Ph.D.          
Professor of Psychology, Emeritus   
Bishop's University
Sherbrooke, Quebec, Canada               
e-mail:  sblack at ubishops.ca

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