Thanks Ed.  Sorry if someone put something in your coffee that may have
upset you but you simply could have skipped over my question and leaving
your nasty comment. 

Isn't this supposed for be a valuable source for colleagues who are
passionate about Psychology to help each other out?  Isn't this a place to
prevent the "wheel from being recreated"?  Or to help each other or
question topics? 

For a minute, I thought maybe in the high school we are more understanding
of co-workers and helpful.  Maybe all the AP teachers that work endless,
unappreciated hours understand the fine courtesy of sharing.  However,
thank you to the three TIPSTERS that sent me private e-mails excusing Ed's
bullying behavior. I am glad to see some people do have courtesy and

I do not post to TIPS often because I do not want to be chastised.  I am
saddened by this happenstance and it makes me reconsider for the future or
sharing this site with others.  I apologize for wasting anyone's time but
I figured to give it a shot, and get some quick info due to the fact that
I teach two jobs totaling 80+ hours a week, both as an AP Psychology
instructor and in a very unappreciated position - despite having a 100%
pass rate for the last two years on the National AP exam with every
student I teach taking the exam - and surviving as you can tell by the
hour of penning - with little sleep. First and foremost, I give my time to
my AP students to prepare them by teaching EVERYTHING required for the AP
Psych exam - every chapter, every definition, every concept -- multiple

I do not have time to teach about Google searches in a very limited time
frame.  Glad to know that you do. I would hope that you are not skipping
any chapter to "fit" this important psychological skill into your valuable

Kimberly C. Patterson, M.S., Ed.S.
Cypress Bay High School
AP Psychology Instructor
TOPSS Membership Coordinator 
WISE Coach

Education is what survives when what has been learned has been forgotten.
- BF Skinner

An understanding heart is everything in a teacher, and cannot be esteemed
highly enough. One looks back with appreciation to the brilliant teachers,
but with gratitude to those who touched our human feeling. The curriculum
is so much necessary raw material, but warmth is the vital element for the
growing plant and for the soul of the child. - Carl Jung

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