On Tue, 23 Nov 2010 07:04:47 -0800, Stephen Black wrote:
>On 23 Nov 2010 at 9:42, Mike Palij wrote:
>> Stunning research results are provided <snip>
>Due a serendipitous line break in the url which Mike cited, what I 
>received was an even more shocking claim than the one actually made 
>by newsthump, namely:
> newsthump.com/2010/09/22/rich-students-have-more-money-than-poo 
>This is a highly provocative claim, and I have my doubts about it. 
>Further research is warranted.

I think that Prof. Black has a good point here.  Even at NYU where
some wealthy students attend, I've always had the feeling that most
students were richer in poo (particular the bull poo type) than mere

Even so, use two-tailed tests of significances if relevant -- the perception
of excessive student poo may just be due to the availability heuristic.


-Mike Palij
New York University

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