All excellent points Michael.  The author of "Aging with Grace" makes it 
eminently clear that the entire life-style of the aging nuns is so much 
more stimulating and sociable that for those aging 'on the outside.'  
Unfortunately, many folks as they age normally become more and more 
isolated as well as not feeling very significant and of import.  We have 
a very ageist culture to say the least.  I've heard of coops being 
started for folks who want to live in a situation where they have their 
own room but share meals and leisure activities if they wish.  My 
mother-in-law has a situation like that and is having a ball!  She is 
having a far more fulfilling life compared to when she was living in her 
very nice home in Lake Bluff by herself. 


michael sylvester wrote:
> There is much more to the nuns' story re Alzm.
> Unfortunately  Joan and others did not elaborate on the environmental 
> factors.As a matter of fact  we may tend to commit the fundamental 
> attribution error by underestimating the power of the situation.I
> lived a short time as a Trappist novice at the Abbey of
> Gethsemani and I can say that there  are certain conditions that 
> contribute to that aging with grace.Here are my thoughts about  the 
> cenobitic monastic and cloistered nuns paradigms.
> 1) There are the constancy of conditions-things do not change much and 
> this routine could enhance
> memory
> 2) Social support-a high degree of interdependence
> 3)Adjustment to repetitions ,for example,prayers
> 4)Chanting and signing-these can strenghten memory
> 5) Liturgical episodic events enhance memory
> 6)Visitations-very meaningful
> 7)Monastic grounds surrounded by olfactory environments-this has been 
> known to affect memory
> and  of course the frequent use of incense in the liturgy
> 8) The cemetery on the monastic grounds-this can
> serve as a daily reminder of one's mortality
> Michael "omnicentric" Sylvester,PhD
> Daytona Beach,Florida
> ---

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