Today's "Arts and Letters Daily" links to the article below with the 
"Eco-ignorance. Up to 95 percent of organisms in the soil are unknown 
to science, and by the end of the century, one-quarter of them will 
wriggle off this mortal coil into oblivion..."

The author of the article, Adelheid Fischer, opens with a discussion of 
a book, of which she writes:
"The fundamental issue here, I think, is not that Cunningham got the 
details wrong, but that he didn't seem to care about getting them 
right…  So what makes us think that it's okay to play fast and loose 
when it comes to matters of natural history?"

A little further down Fischer writes:

"Our ignorance is truly staggering. According to some estimates, 95 
percent of organisms in the soil alone are unknown to science. […]

"According to some estimates, by the end of the 21st century, 
one-quarter or more of all species of plants and animals now living 
will have gone extinct or been issued a non-refundable one-way ticket 
off the planet."

Leaving aside that someone complaining about loose writing then glibly 
cites figures on the basis of "according to some estimates", does 
anyone have any idea how there can be anything but the vaguest 
estimates of how many organisms in the soil are unknown to science? Or 
of how many plants and species of animals will have gone extinct or be 
heading for extinction by the end of the century, especially as 
apparently huge numbers of plants and animals remain undiscovered. Are 
such estimates anything more than more-or-less educated guesses highly 
dependent on personal agendas?

Allen Esterson
Former lecturer, Science Department
Southwark College, London

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