It was disgraceful for the BBC interviewer to suggest that Darcus Howe 
had in the past been a participant in riots. And I'm totally in favour 
of the BBC being called to account when it transgresses appropriate 
standards of reporting and commentary. Indeed in 2008 a complaint of 
mine about inaccuracy and bias in a BBC World Service radio programme 
was upheld by the BBC Editorial Standards Committee! pp. 32ff:
(Pity Howe hasn't, judging by an internet search, taken the opportunity 
to apologise for his own false assertion about the police blowing a 
young man's head off.)

>The BBC's apology to Darcus Howe is an empty gesture, but
>typical of an organization that is famously loath to self-criticism.

I'll let the irony of that statement coming from Michael speak for 

Allen Esterson
Former lecturer, Science Department
Southwark College, London

From:   michael sylvester <>
Subject:        On apologies,etc
Date:   Sun, 14 Aug 2011 14:51:27 -0100
What does Darcus Howe have to do with a post on
African - Americans versus immigrants and Latin Americans? How 
Should I also apologize for implying that Pavlov used a bell in his 
conditioning experiments?
Btw,the BBC has apologized to Darcus Howe

        BBC has apologized:


    The BBC's apology to Darcus Howe is an empty gesture, but typical of
    an organization that is famously loath to self-criticism.

    A real expression of regret would be for the BBC to make the
    interview available on its own Web sites (to date, it's only
    available in the form or amateur video on video-sharing sites),
    along with its apology to Howe and censure the interviewer for
    publicly insulting him.

    Because of its refusal to take real responsibility, the BBC has
    catapulted a figure who was obscure or unknown to many Britons intro
    an international folk hero, implicitly confirmed his radical
    assessment of the British "insurrection" and made itself into a
     laughing stock at best or a byword for news media cowardice at 

    Michael "omnicentric" Sylvester,PhD
 Daytona Beach,Florida

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