On Mon, 05 Dec 2011 17:57:38 -0800, Michael Sylvester wrote:
>my post meticulously I was referring to a statement made by
>my neighbor,an immigrant from Uzbekistan who lived for sometime
>under the Soviet system.I am curious though if this was a
>prevailing view then in the old Soviet Union.  >Paul's comment
>howver failed to look at interactions.Paul, however, has had in
>the past put an unintended spin on my posts.

Ask your neighbor to read Richard Nisbett's book "Intelligence
and How to Get It'. You can make believe that you read the book
and provide a summary of it by reading the following book review
(a strategy employed mostly by high school English students in
order to get out of reading books that they have no interest in);

You can start with the following quote:

|Success in life depends on intelligence, which is measured by
|I.Q. tests. Intelligence is mostly a matter of heredity, as
|we know from studies of identical twins reared apart. Since
|I.Q. differences between individuals are mainly genetic, the
|same must be true for I.Q. differences between groups. So the
|I.Q. ranking of racial/ethnic groups — Ashkenazi Jews on top,
|followed by East Asians, whites in general, and then blacks —
|is fixed by nature, not culture. Social programs that seek to
|raise I.Q. are bound to be futile. Cognitive inequalities,
|being written in the genes, are here to stay, and so are the
|social inequalities that arise from them.

Then you can explain how Nisbett demolishes this view.

By the way, what did you neighbor think when Herman Cain referred
to his nation as  Ubeki-beki-beki-stan-stan? See:

-Mike Palij
New York University

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