In"Michael Sylvester asked, "Whatever happened to Comparative Psychology?

As one of the owner/editors of the Comparative Psychology Newsletter (on 
YahooGroups) I think I can answer that question but it's complex.

One the one hand, it is often said to be subsumed under the banners of "animal 
behavior" or "sociobiology" or "ethology.  While that is somewhat correct, it's 
also a bit misleading. I've been amazed at how sparse "animal behavior" texts 
are on animal learning & cognition, the heart of traditional comparative 
psychology. When we were hiring for my replacement (I retired last June in case 
you missed all the celebratory whooping & hollering coming fro my house) and I 
was amazed to find that very few applicants came from what I would call a 
comparative psychology program. They came either from biology or physical 
anthropology programs or they came from (psychology) cognition programs. It 
turns out that as the Zeitgeist has shifted from Skinnerian-Thorndikean 
concepts in animal learning to the study of cognition & consciousness, 
traditional comparative psychology has been absorbed into the fields of 
cognitive psychology. . Some of the animal behavior texts don't even mention 
cognitive psychology and basically define ethology as "the study of animal 
behavior."  Of course, these are also the texts that has no chapters on animal 
cognition and almost nothing on primates. In fact, books such as these tend 
spend 90% of their time on "inframammalian" species.

There are a few "Comparative Psychology" texts but frankly, I find them too 
narrrow (weak on evolution/sociobiology) and so detail-driven that you lose the 
beauty that is animal behavior.

Just my 2 cents.

Edward I. Pollak, Ph.D.
Professor Emeritus of Psychology
West Chester University of Pennsylvania<>
Husband, father, grandfather, bluegrass fiddler, banjoist & 
biopsychologist............... in approximate order of importance

 Subject: Whatever happened to
From: "mjchael sylvester" <>
Date: Thu, 26 Apr 2012 03:33:51 -0400
X-Message-Number: 1

Comparative Psychology?

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