Just to add . . . sorry for the poorly worded post but I think the idea was 
conveyed.  Also, I know this wasn't exactly the point of the original post ...


R. Lee Zasloff, PhD
Adjunct Instructor, Psychology
American River College
Sacramento, CA
From: Zasloff, Lee [zasl...@arc.losrios.edu]
Sent: Sunday, July 08, 2012 1:20 PM
To: Teaching in the Psychological Sciences (TIPS)
Subject: RE: [tips] NPR says...

It's been known for ages that cats can carry toxoplasmosis.  That's one of the 
reasons that teaching a cat to use a toilet - while very cute and a seemingly 
good idea for eliminating a cat box.  It can contaminate the water supply with 
this parasite.  There's a really simple way to avoid being infected -- don't 
touch cat poop.  Anyone who's really upset by this can just use gloves.  Even 
people with AIDS have been keeping their cats by using these kinds of 
safeguards with no risk to their health.  Must be something weird going on in 
Denmark.  I wonder how many cats are now going to end of in shelters because of 


R. Lee Zasloff, PhD
Adjunct Instructor, Psychology
American River College
Sacramento, CA
From: devoldercar...@gmail.com [devoldercar...@gmail.com]
Sent: Sunday, July 08, 2012 12:13 PM
To: Teaching in the Psychological Sciences (TIPS)
Subject: [tips] NPR says...

My dog tipped me off to this. She's lobbying to get rid of the cat.

A Parasite Carried By Cats Could Increase Suicide Risk

by Jon Hamilton<http://www.npr.org/people/2100615/jon-hamilton>

05:28 pm

[What's the link between cats and madness?]
Hans Martens/iStockphoto.com<http://www.hansmartens.com>

What's the link between cats and madness?

There's fresh evidence that cats can be a threat to your mental health.

To be fair, it's not kitties themselves that are the problem, but a parasite 
they carry called Toxoplasma 

A study of more than 45,000 Danish women found that those infected with this 
feline parasite were 1.5 times more likely to attempt suicide than women who 
weren't infected.

That's not a huge increase, but it's probably too big to have been caused by 
chance, says Teodor 
 a University of Maryland psychiatrist and senior author of the 
paper<http://archpsyc.jamanetwork.com/article.aspx?articleid=1206779>, which 
was published in the Archives of General Psychiatry.

Still, the absolute risk of suicide remains very small. Fewer than 1,000 of the 
women attempted any sort of self-directed violence during the 30-year study 
span. And just seven committed suicide.

But this isn't the first time T. gondii infection, or toxoplasmosis, has been 
associated with behavioral changes in people, Postolache says. Previous studies 
have shown links to 
 bipolar disorder, and even the chance that a person will get in an automobile 

Related NPR Stories
Invasion Of The Mind-Controlling Zombie 
 Oct. 30, 2011
Eat Your Worms: The Upside Of 
 Dec. 2, 2010
Research Links Parasite In Cats To Mental 
June 19, 2010

The T. gondii parasite lives in the intestines of cats. Cat owners can become 
infected when they change a litter box, Postolache says. But he says people are 
more likely to be infected when they eat vegetables or meat that are raw or 

"People should not give their cats away" because of this study, Postolache says.

Scientists still aren't sure how the parasite affects a person's brain, he 
says. But in rodents, it causes cysts to form in areas of the brain involved in 

A study of rats also found that infection caused them to lose their fear of 
cats<http://www.pnas.org/content/104/15/6442.short> and become attracted to the 
odor of cat urine. That behavioral change would increase the chance that a rat 
would be eaten by a cat — allowing the parasite to get into the cat's 
intestine, which is the only place it can reproduce sexually.

The parasite doesn't benefit much from infecting a human, since cats don't eat 
people very often. So humans are probably just "collateral damage" from the 
parasites' effort to infect smaller animals, says Robert 
Yolken<http://www.hopkinschildrens.org/robert-yolken-md.aspx>, an infectious 
disease expert at Johns Hopkins University.

Yolken says he owns two cats and that "the benefits outweigh the risks."


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