Hi everyone. I am working with my Office Professional on a survey
concerning the role of Office Professionals in student advising. If you
think your OP (or person in a similar role) might be interested in
responding to the survey, please forward the message below. Thanks.



Hello, My Name is Tina Walker, I am an undergraduate student (as well as an
Office Professional) at the University of Central Missouri and I am doing a
research project to determine how much Office Professionals/Secretaries
play a role in advising of graduate and undergraduate students within a
college/university setting.  The survey is short (about 10 minutes) and I
would appreciate your response.  It is completely voluntary and the results
are anonymous.  If you would like to participate in my study please access
the survey by clicking here.


Thank you for your time,

Tina Walker

David Kreiner
Professor and Chair
Department of Psychological Science <http://www.ucmo.edu/psychology>
University of Central Missouri <http://www.ucmo.edu>

Treasurer, Society for the Teaching of
Psychology<http://www.teachpsych.org>(APA Division 2)

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