---- Original message ----

  Date: Sat, 19 Jan 2013 09:45:44 -0600
  From: devoldercar...@gmail.com
  Subject: Re: [tips] Have You Ever Been
  To: "Teaching in the Psychological Sciences
  (TIPS)" <tips@fsulist.frostburg.edu>
  >Since you brought this up, I'm going to ask a
  question that has been bothering me. Why do we
  care about this? That's a serious question--other
  than experiencing painful humiliation, did this
  young man do anything that merits the intensity of
  scrutiny by the media? Did he cheat, break any
  laws, do anything to gain from this? I'm
  (obviously) not a sports fan, so I'm pretty dumb
  about all of this. Isn't Mati Te'o's "crime"
  simply that he was a fool? Why make so much out of
  his humiliation?>Carol>>On Jan 19, 2013, at 9:11
  AM, "Mike Palij" <m...@nyu.edu> wrote:>>> The
  popular media has been playing up the unfortunate
  situation involving>> Notre Dame football lineback
  Mati Te'o who had the bad luck to have>> his
  grandmother and girl friend die on the same day.
  Te'o was an outstanding>> athlete (he was a
  candidate for the prestigious Heisman Trophy; for
  more details on his outstanding sports
  accomplishments, see his wikipedia entry:>>
  http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Manti_Te%27o ),>> >>
  Those who follow college football know that these
  "challenges" to Te'o>> and his team would become a
  sort of Cinderella story as Notre Dame would>> go
  to the BCS National Championship Game but, unlike
  Cinderalla, they>> would get whooped by Alabama's
  Crimson Tide. Unfortunately, that was>> just the
  start of Te'o's problems as it turns out that his
  girl friend did not die.>> In fact, his girl
  friend was a fiction. Te'o had never met his girl
  friend in>> person and had developed his
  relationship with her online and with phone>>
  calls. But his girl friend turned out to be a
  fraud. Here is>> one timeline of how Te'o got
  hoaxed and how it translated into his>> football
  activities; see:>>
  >> The term "Catfish" has been used to describe
  this situation because of>> the "documentary"
  "Catfish"; see the description on www.imdb.com:>>
  I use the quotes on "documentary" because there is
  the question of>> whether it is a real
  documentary, say, like one of Michael Moore's>>
  films or a "documentary" like "Cloverfield" or the
  "The Blair Witch Project".>> In the "documentary",
  a person develops a "relationship" online on the>>
  basis of a person's description on a website. They
  communicate via>> phone and email/etc and develop
  a relationship. But inconsistencies>> develop
  which lead to a road trip to find the "truth"
  which, of course,>> is documented on videotape.
  The name of the movie comes from>> a monologue
  given at the end of the movie by a "Forest Gump"
  type>> character about how catfish were put into
  tanks transporting cod to keep>> them active
  instead of passive (being passive apparently made
  their flesh>> flabby and unappetizing). The point
  or morale being, people pretending>> to be someone
  that they are not on the internet are like the
  catfish in the>> tank with the cod, they keep them
  active and save them from becoming>> flabby and
  tasteless (though Te'o may disagree on this
  point).>> More info about the film can be obtain
  from its Wikipedia entry:>>
  >> The movie "Catfish" was put into limited
  release and has been put>> on MTV along with the
  TV series it inspired "Catfish: The TV Series".>>
  HuffPost has one perspective on the TV series;
  NOTE: So much for the "Turing Test".>> >> It
  should be noted that Charles Marriott wrote in
  1913 a novel>> titled "The Catfish" which can be
  seen as one source of inspiration>> for the movie
  though the internet has made hoaxing others with>>
  a false persona into high art. A review of
  Marriott's book is>> available in "The Bookman" on
  books.google.com; see:>>
  >> Books.google.com also has a free ebook of "The
  Catfish" and I>> would like to direct the reader's
  attention to page 401 which provides>> the
  explanation of how a catfish in a tank of cod
  keeps them active>> and tasty. See:>>
  >> So, what lessons might be learned from all
  this:>> >> (1) Some scams have been with all along
  but unthinking use of technology>> might
  facilitate some of them.>> >> (2) Remember the old
  New Yorker cartoon:>> "On the internet, no one
  knows you're a dog.">> >> -Mike Palij>> New York
  University>> m...@nyu.edu>> >> >> >> >> --->> You
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