I also dislike the emerging dominance of the phrase 'going forward.'

Worse, I dislike that I find that I am using it increasingly in my verbal 
communication and, "going forward" I fear I will continue in this degrading 



On Feb 8, 2013, at 6:28 AM, Stuart McKelvie wrote:

> Dear Tipsters,
> Following up on Jim's comment below, I, for one, do have a fascination with 
> verbal communication, and I plead guilty to having a bias towards existing 
> words, terms, phrases if they convey meaning well.
> Example:
> I cringe at the ubiquitous "going forward" when it is either redundant or 
> covered by "in the future".
> I am not alone: http://public.wsu.edu/~brians/errors/goingforward.html
> Sincerely,
> Stuart
> ______________________________
> "Recti Cultus Pectora Roborant"
> Stuart J. McKelvie, Ph.D.,
> Department of Psychology,
> Bishop's University,
> 2600 rue College,
> Sherbrooke (Borough of Lennoxville),
> QC J1M 1Z7,
> Canada.
> "Floreat Labore"
> ______________________________
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Jim Clark [mailto:j.cl...@uwinnipeg.ca] 
> Sent: Friday, February 08, 2013 12:21 AM
> To: Teaching in the Psychological Sciences (TIPS)
> Subject: Re: [tips] Disseminating your published work?
> Hi
> First, heaven help us if the grammar police start to monitor e-mail 
> discussions!  I'll be in lots of trouble.
> Second, notwithstanding #1, interesting response and citations from Paul to 
> Karl's observation about the use of "they" with singular referent "some one" 
> (more on this referent later).  Perhaps it is the vestiges of a memorable 
> (for all the wrong reasons) year of teaching high school English decades ago, 
> but I would still suggest writers (in their formal writing ... not e-mails) 
> try to avoid the singular "they"
> by pluralizing or otherwise re-wording sentences.  In the case of Deb's "if 
> some one feels they are ...", something like "if people feel that they are 
> ..." would appear to work.
> On the "some one," I would have written "someone," which led me to google the 
> difference.  See:
> http://www.vappingo.com/word-blog/someone-or-some-one-what%E2%80%99s-the-difference/
> The subtleties of English.  I wonder if academics in general, irrespective of 
> their discipline, have a fascination with verbal communication given the 
> nature of our work (writing and speaking clearly)?  Excluding postmodernists 
> and the like, of course.
> Take care
> Jim
> James M. Clark
> Professor & Chair of Psychology
> j.cl...@uwinnipeg.ca
> Room 4L41A
> 204-786-9757
> 204-774-4134 Fax
> Dept of Psychology, U of Winnipeg
> 515 Portage Ave, Winnipeg, MB
>>>> Paul C Bernhardt <pcbernha...@frostburg.edu> 07-Feb-13 10:29 PM
> The use of 'they' as singular is common and acceptable and has a long history 
> (16th century).
> http://public.wsu.edu/~brians/errors/they.html
> http://blogs.telegraph.co.uk/news/tomchiversscience/100184652/if-someone-tells-you-singular-they-is-wrong-please-do-tell-them-to-get-stuffed/
> It is also cognitively efficient. (I used the singular they once in a
> paper for a class in graduate school and footnoted the usage with this
> citation to avoid grammar penalties.)
> http://pss.sagepub.com/content/8/2/106.abstract 
> In Search of Gender Neutrality: Is Singular They a Cognitively
> Efficient Substitute for Generic He?
>  1.  Julie
> Foertsch<http://pss.sagepub.com/search?author1=Julie+Foertsch&sortspec=date&submit=Submit>1<http://pss.sagepub.com/content/8/2/106.abstract#aff-1>
> and
>  2.  Morton Ann
> Gernsbacher<http://pss.sagepub.com/search?author1=Morton+Ann+Gernsbacher&sortspec=date&submit=Submit>1<http://pss.sagepub.com/content/8/2/106.abstract#aff-1>
> +<http://pss.sagepub.com/content/8/2/106.abstract#> Author
> Affiliations
>  1.
> 1University of Wisconsin-Madison
>  1.  Julie Foertsch, LEAD Center, 1402 University Ave, or Morton Ann
> Gernsbacher, Department of Psychology, both at University of
> Wisconsin-Madison, Madison, WI 53706
> Abstract
> With increasing frequency, writers and speakers are ignoring
> grammatical proscription and using the plural pronoun they to refer to
> singular antecedents. This change may, in part, be motivated by efforts
> to make language more gender inclusive. In the current study, two
> reading-time experiments demonstrated that singular they is a
> cognitively efficient substitute for generic he or she, particularly
> when the antecedent is nonreferential. In such instances, clauses
> containing they were read (a) much more quickly than clauses containing
> a gendered pronoun that went against the gender stereotype of the
> antecedent, and (b) just as quickly as clauses containing a gendered
> pronoun that matched the stereotype of the antecedent. However, with
> referential antecedents, for which the gender was presumably known,
> clauses containing singular they were not read as quickly as clauses
> containing a gendered pronoun that matched the antecedent's stereotypic
> gender.
> On Feb 7, 2013, at 8:47 PM, Wuensch, Karl L wrote:
>          This old fart has never seen from a publisher a restriction
> that would prohibit providing a reprint to an individual.  If a
> publisher were to have such a restriction, I would avoid that publisher
> like the Medieval plague.
> PS * *some one* is singular, but *they* is plural.  The
> number of a pronoun should agree with its antecedent.
> Cheers,
> <image001.jpg><http://core.ecu.edu/psyc/wuenschk/klw.htm>
> From: Deborah S. Briihl [mailto:dbri...@valdosta.edu] 
> Sent: Thursday, February 07, 2013 8:29 PM
> To: Teaching in the Psychological Sciences (TIPS)
> Subject: Re: [tips] Disseminating your published work?
> The point was that it was a request. A request is a request, not an
> order. In this case, if some one feels they are breaking copyright
> rules, then I can see why the request would be refused.
> And medieval? Well, now that would require a quill, ink, small knife,
> parchment and a scribe. Maybe an illuminator? :)
> Deb
> Deborah Briihl
> Dept of psych and counseling
> Valdosta state university
> dbri...@valdosta.edu<mailto:dbri...@valdosta.edu>
> ,Sent from my iPad
> On Feb 7, 2013, at 5:11 PM, "Christopher Green"
> <chri...@yorku.ca<mailto:chri...@yorku.ca>> wrote:
> Hmm. What sounded rude (or at least unconscionably snobby) to me, Deb,
> was refusing to pass along an article simply because the requester is
> not "of the guild." How positively Medieval.
> Chris
> -----
> Christopher D. Green
> Department of Psychology
> York University
> Toronto, ON M6C 1G4
> Canada
> chri...@yorku.ca<mailto:chri...@yorku.ca>
> On Feb 7, 2013, at 4:32 PM, "Deborah S. Briihl"
> <dbri...@valdosta.edu<mailto:dbri...@valdosta.edu>> wrote:
> I know what others have stated, but at this point I would wonder about
> this given the second email, which sounds incredibly rude. If you make a
> request, then the other person can refuse your request. To then accuse
> you of being unprofessional and you should because taxpayers pay our
> salary blah, blah, blah would cause some kind of warning bells in me
> (and would tick me off).
> Deb
> Deborah Briihl
> Dept of psych and counseling
> Valdosta state university
> dbri...@valdosta.edu<mailto:dbri...@valdosta.edu>
> ,Sent from my iPad
> On Feb 7, 2013, at 1:41 PM, "Rob Weisskirch"
> <rweisski...@csumb.edu<mailto:rweisski...@csumb.edu>> wrote:
> TIPSfolk,
> Recently, I got a request for pdfs of two articles I had published. 
> The request came from someone who identified himself as an "independent
> researcher" who claimed not to have access to the two journals
> (mainstream ones--none that were esoteric).  His email did not include
> his last name nor any affiliation.  But, it clearly was not spam.
> I wrote back and declined to send them because there was not a clear
> affiliation with an university, press, or other organization. He wrote
> back and said that he was shocked, my work is not secret, that it is
> supported by taxpayers, that I'm unprofessional, etc.
> I replied again that I did not think that his unaffiliated identity met
> the requirements under the copyright transfer.  I also informed him that
> I respected the journals and if he would provide an affiliation, I'd be
> happy to send the work.
> Am I being too picky?
> Rob
> Rob Weisskirch, MSW. Ph.D.
> Professor of Human Development
> Certified Family Life Educator
> Liberal Studies Department
> California State University, Monterey Bay
> 100 Campus Center, Building 82C
> Seaside, CA 93955
> (831) 582-5079<tel:%28831%29%20582-5079>
> rweisski...@csumb.edu<mailto:rweisski...@csumb.edu>
> This message is intended only for the addressee and may contain
> confidential, privileged information.  If you are not the intended
> recipient, you may not use, copy or disclose any information contained
> in the message.  If you have received this message in error, please
> notify the sender by reply e-mail and delete the message.
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