On Sat, 16 Feb 2013 19:42:22 -0800, Christopher Green wrote:
Wow. Just wow. How could anyone who had risen to the level of
university president be so completely tone deaf? I've seen more
venal actions by university presidents, but this doesn't seem to
have been politically or financially motivated, just plain dumb.

Chris, I'm sure that you're aware that James Wagner was
vice-chair of the "Presidential Commission for the Study of
Bioethical Issues", you remember, when news about the
U.S. Public Health Service conducted "research" on sexually
transmitted diseases in Guatemala by actually infecting
people with STDs; the President ordered that a commission
investigate the situation?  Here's a NY Times news story
that reviews how Susan Reverby of Wellesley College
discovered the research:

The commission's final report has been posted to the web;see:
Quoting from this website:

|"Many of the most important advances today are driven by
|research that involves human participants," Commission
|Vice Chair, James W. Wagner, Ph.D. said. "We must ensure
|that the way we conduct research involving human subjects
|protects, encourages, and makes fruitful the selfless practice
|of allowing oneself to become the subject of a medical or
|social study intended for the benefit of another."

I have no doubt that Wagner intends that this sentiment applies
to all people, even those that are counted only as 3/5 of a person.

For the final report; see:

One last point:  perhaps this says something about hiring an engineer
for a university without a school of engineering, but I'm not sure what.
However, engineers may find the following cartoon amusing:

-Mike Palij
New York University

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