
One problem with these surveys is they seldom break down the results by 
multiple factors, such as religion, education, age, ....  Partly it may be 
because of the small sample sizes (e.g., in the survey Mike P refers to, only 
about 1000 Americans were surveyed ... margin of error ~4%).

Here's some older data showing belief in evolution by religion AND education.  
Both factors are important.  Although education generally has robust positive 
effects, for example, highly religious fundamentalist Protestants actually 
believe less in evolution with increasing education.  Perhaps attending 
faith-based institutions?

Unfortunately, for these data we do not know how many people who "believe" in 
evolution think god guided the process.  And one needs considerable data to do 
these kinds of breakdowns.

One has to wonder as well whether different academic programs make a 
difference.  Hard to imagine getting a business degree is going to have much 
impact on belief in evolution (except perhaps in negative direction if one is 

Finally, not to be too ad hominem, both Gallup senior and junior are (past 
tense for senior) themselves highly religious.  Might this have some impact on 
their surveys?

Take care

James M. Clark
Professor & Chair of Psychology
Room 4L41A
204-774-4134 Fax
Dept of Psychology, U of Winnipeg
515 Portage Ave, Winnipeg, MB

>>> "Mike Palij" <m...@nyu.edu> 04-Apr-13 12:20 PM >>>
Here is the report from Gallup on Americans with anti-evolution

NOTE: the percentage of people who are anti-evolution has
stayed more or less the same for the past 30 years that this
polling has been done.

Even 46% of college graduates are anti-evolution.  What are we
doing wrong?

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