Thomas, R. K. (1997). Correcting some Pavlovian regarding "Pavlov's bell" and 
Pavlov's "mugging." American Journal of Psychology, 110, 115-125.

Christopher D. Green
Department of Psychology
York University
Toronto, ON M3J 1P3

On 2013-09-26, at 4:11 PM, wrote:

> On 2013-09-26, at 10:14 AM, michael sylvester wrote:
>> In his original classical conditioning experiment,Pavlov  used
>> a) a bell
>> b) a metronome
>> c) both
> To which Chris Green responded:
>> Both, but it depends on what you mean by "original."
> and to which I demur:
> Evidence that Pavolv used a bell in classical conditioning, 
> especially the ding-dong type invariably shown in illustrations, is 
> weak to non-existent. It appears to be one of the great myths of 
> psychology, on a par with Freud's alleged iceberg metaphor. 
> There is no mention of one in his major work _Conditioned Reflexes_, 
> and none is shown used in classical conditioning in the great Russian 
> director  Pudovkin's silent film "Mechanics of the Brain" (1926)  
> [Mekhanika Golovnovo Mozga] which depicts work in Pavlov's 
> laboratory. I know because I watched it.  What sources do exist 
> pointing to one are untrustworthy (Time magazine, for example).  But 
> Pavlov did use a metronome. 
> I looked into this at one time with the thought of doing something 
> about it, and I have some idea of when and where the myth originated. 
> So far I've done nothing, but I'm keeping quiet just in case I ever 
> do. 
> Stephen
> --------------------------------------------
> Stephen L. Black, Ph.D.          
> Professor of Psychology, Emeritus   
> Bishop's University
> Sherbrooke, Quebec, Canada               
> e-mail:  sblack at
> ---------------------------------------------
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