Louis suggested the following interview question: * Tell me about who you are.  
Forget and make no reference to all your personal roles such as father, friend, 
husband (wife), son (daughter), forget and make no reference to all your 
professional roles, your past and present titles, forget and make no reference 
to your degrees and all your positions, forget and make no reference to what 
you have, forget and make no reference to all that you have done.  Just tell me 
about who you are."

Paul has already commented that this question is  "patently strange and will 
tend to make a candidate not want to come work for the organization, IMO."

I'm trying to imagine what sort of answer Louis might be looking for that would 
be in any way useful. Can someone be defined in ways other than behavior? And 
if so, is that definition relevant to anything at all?

I'm asking myself about how someone like Torquemada might answer Louis' 
question. Perhaps it might start out something like this: "I'm a deeply 
spiritual person who is concerned with the spiritual well being of his fellow 

Edward I. Pollak, Ph.D.
Professor Emeritus of Psychology
West Chester University of Pennsylvania
Husband, father, grandfather, bluegrass fiddler, banjoist & 
biopsychologist............... in approximate order of importance

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