I read something posted by a mid-western e-colleague.  One thing he 
wrote got to me, "I love to teach because I'm so dedicated to my discipline, 
but those students....."  
        You know, so many people say, "I love to teach."  To them, as I did 
with this professor, I ask, "Do you love each student?"  "Are you dedicated 
unconditionally to each of them?" 
        You see, loving to teach is one thing.  To unconditionally love each of 
those to whom you teach is quite another thing.  To be "dedicated to your 
discipline" is one thing.  To unconditionally be committed to each student is 
quite another thing.
        If your idea of what teaching is all about doesn't get you to 
unconditionally believing in, having faith in, having hope for, and loving each 
student, if each--each and every--student doesn't matter or isn't important to 
you,  if all the students see is your scholarly resume and don't feel sincere 
compassionate and caring leadership, you should stop grading yourself on a 
generous curve and the students on an uncharitable one; you should question 
yourself, not the students.

Make it a good day


Louis Schmier                                   
203 E. Brookwood Pl                         http://www.therandomthoughts.com
Valdosta, Ga 31602 
(C)  229-630-0821                             /\   /\  /\                 /\    
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                                             /\"If you want to climb 
mountains,\ /\
                                         _ /  \    don't practice on mole 
hills" - /   \_

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