As part of this discussion I had recently mentioned, I explained to a 
bunch of complaining professors that teaching has a gleaming, but masking, 
veneer to it.  To make something seem simple is very complex; to make teaching 
a giving of yourself takes a lot of self-possession; to make teaching 
imaginative and creative and invite others to be imaginative and creative takes 
a lot of contemplation; to make teaching a matter of relinquishing control 
requires a lot of self-control; to make teaching a matter of asking challenging 
questions--rather than answering them--is a challenge; to make teaching look 
easy is very difficult; to make teaching look and feel effortless takes a lot 
effort; to teach excitedly takes a lot of self-control; to teach with 
spontaneity takes a lot of preparation and deliberation;  to make teaching an 
awakening of each student's unique potential demands an intense alertness and 
awareness;  to teach with random acts of kindness takes a lot of planning;and, 
to teach with fun and inviting others to have fun requires a lot of 

        Teaching is a way of finding yourself in the service of others.  
Teaching is being an emotional match-maker, of putting your heart into what 
you're doing while having a good pulse on the moods and emotions of each 
student.  Teaching is using your sense to have a strong and accurate sense of 
each student's emotional state, and to match your fervor to each of them.  
Teaching is a combination of intelligence with kindness, generosity, and 
service to others.  Teaching is a combination of seriousness with joyfulness, 
unabashed sincerity, quiet eccentricity, energetic serendipity, and excited 
discovery.  Yeah, your have to have a reflected upon and articulated talk if 
you want to avoid an aimless  walk.

Make it a good day


Louis Schmier                                 
203 E. Brookwood Pl               
Valdosta, Ga 31602 
(C)  229-630-0821                             /\   /\  /\                 /\    
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                                             /\"If you want to climb 
mountains,\ /\
                                         _ /  \    don't practice on mole 
hills" - /   \_

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