Some subscribers to TIPS might be interested in a discussion list post "Re: 
Scientific American Article on Educational Research and Evaluation" [Hake 
(2014)]. The abstract reads:


ABSTRACT: EvalTalk's David Colton wrote at <> (my inserts 
at ". . . . . . .[[insert]] . . . . . . . . . "

 "A decade ago, the 'American Evaluation Association' . . . . . 
[[<>]]. . . . issued a position paper . . . . . .[[(AEA, 
2003) at <>,  highly critical of ]]. . . . . . . . the 
U.S. Dept. of Education's (USDE's) decision to award research grants based on 
methodology, with experimental and quasi experimental designs given funding 
prior over other approaches . . . . . . .[["experimental" is RCT enthusiasts' 
code for methodology utilizing "Randomized Control Trails" (RCTs)]]. . . .  So 
I was very interested in an article in this month's 'Scientific American' which 
describes the results of this process ten years out: 'The Science of Learning' 
. . . . . . .[[Kantrowitz (2014), re-titled in the online version "Scientists 
Bring New Rigor to Education Research" and online at <>]]. 
. . . . . . . ."

 In the present post I excerpt and annotate 8 noteworthy passages from 
Kantrowitz's article dealing with e.g., the RCT debate <>; 
the "What Works Clearing House" <>; the "Institute 
of Education Sciences" (IES) <>; Paulo Blikstein's "FabLab" 
at Stanford <>; teacher evaluation 
<>, class size <>; student engagement 
<>, discovery learning <>, Grover 
Whitehurst  <>, "Finnish Lessons" <>; 
and "Finnishing Touches" <>.


 To access the complete 131 kB post please click on <>.

 Richard Hake, Emeritus Professor of Physics, Indiana University. LINKS TO: 
Academia <>; Articles <>; 
Blog<>; Facebook <>; 
GooglePlus<>; Google Scholar <>; Linked 
In<>; Research Gate <>; Socratic 
Dialogue Inducing (SDI) Labs <>; Twitter 


REFERENCES [URL shortened by <> and accessed on 10 Oct 2014.]

Hake, R.R.  2014, "Re: Scientific American Article on Educational Research and 
Evaluation," online onthe OPEN! AERA-L archives at <>. The 
abstract and link to the complete post are being transmitted to several 
discussion lists and are also onmy blog "Hake'sEdStuff" at 
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