As we all know, scientists deal with data and data comes in
all forms:  some data are short, some long, some data are
hard, some are soft, some data are squeaky clean, some are
messy, and some data are odorless while other data really
stink up the place.  Regardless of the nature of your data,
the real question is "Will you contribute some of your data
for research purposes?"  Why?  A number of researcher in
NYC are collecting data for a project on the human microbiome.
If you are interesting in contributing some data -- and meet
their inclusion criteria -- this article provides more info and
how to contact the lead researcher:

Quoting from the article:

"No one knows what a good, healthy microbiome really looks
like, and to do so you need the help of otherwise healthy volunteers."

So, maybe you can drop something their way.

-Mike Palij
New York University

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