It was a good walk this morning.   In the fifth mile of my six mile 
roundtrip, I didn't realize what was about to happen.  This is what I best 

        I was moving along at my usual fast pace, abreast of the Phys Ed 
building, when I heard voice shout out behind me, "Dr. Schmier!"  I stopped.  I 
turned.  I recognized the face.  I didn't remember the name.  Before I could 
get a word out, she blurted with a feigned frown, "Dr. Schmier, I hate you." 
Then a beaming smile appeared to lighten up her face, "And, I love you."  She 
leapt forward and gave me a tight hug.

        Excited, she stepped slightly back, and in an almost out-of-breath 
tat-a-tat fashion saying, "I just have to tell you.  Thank you, thank you, 
thank you.  After all these years, I still just can't get that Holocaust class 
out of my mind.  That yellow star is still branded into my heart.  I see that 
yellow star every time I pull out my underwear drawer.  I deliberately put it 
there so I knew I'd see it every day.  The 'Jew' on it just screams at me every 
day, and I think about what good I'm going to that day.   I even read the first 
page of the syllabus once a week.  You just don't know what's happened to me 
since that class.  I'm not shy anymore and I don't do things by what I think 
other people will think or say, or by who they want me to be.  I'm not afraid 
anymore.  Me! I becoming more and more brave.   I'm so conscious of struggling 
not to be prejudice, I watch every word I say and everything I do and I'm so 
aware of other people and being respectful to them.  I now refuse to be the 
onlooker and bystander I once was.  I refuse to be one of those silent good 
people.  Me!  Can you believe it?  I call down my friends, boyfriend, my 
parents, especially my mother, my sisters, people in my church back home, 
anyone, once did it to my preacher, and talk with them.  And it all began with 
you and that class.  You're not just my favorite teacher; you're my best 
professor; you transformed me into a much, much better person than I ever 
thought I could be, all in one class.  They called it a 'Perspective Class.'  
Boy was that the truth!  It sure effected mine."

        Dumbstruck, eyes watery, I couldn't find any words.  Before I could 
utter at least a "thank you,"  She gave me another hug and said abruptly, "I'm 
late for class.  Got to go.  I saw you and just wanted you to know that you've 
made a big difference in my life and maybe in other lives I've touched.  Bye."

         And off she hurriedly ran into the Phsy Ed building.  I just stood 
there, frozen, numb, deeply humble, a tear or two falling from my eyes.  There 
was such joy in her voice, and I still don't know who she was, but she sure 
knows.  I turned and walked faster than normal, thinking "this is what 
education should be,transforming," and struggling to remember her words.  

        I've got to get to work on the book I want to write about that 
Holocaust class with its "Star Project," and break through the organizational 
barrier that's been stopping these past two years.

Make it a good day


Louis Schmier                                 
203 E. Brookwood Pl               
Valdosta, Ga 31602 
(C)  229-630-0821                             /\   /\  /\                 /\    
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 \_/__\  \
                                             /\"If you want to climb 
mountains,\ /\
                                         _ /  \    don't practice on mole 
hills" - /   \_

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