The other way to increase effect size would be to improve experimental control 
That would be consistent with this being basically a pilot study.

On Dec 12, 2014, at 8:02 AM, Christopher Green <> wrote:

>  Wow. In an era where repeated failures to replicate “sensational” 
> psychological effects is all over the news, it is astonishing that any editor 
> would have accepted this sloppy of argument (whether the can cite articles 
> from the 1960s and ‘70s that used it as well or not). The solution to high 
> Type II error rates is decidedly not to raise Type I error rates. The 
> solution is to raise power by raising the sample size. Although it is true 
> that the conventional alpha level of .05 is entirely arbitrary, in an era 
> where thousands of psychological studies are published every year (rather 
> than the mere dozens that were published annually back when Fisher first 
> proposed it), the conventional Type I error rate should probably be 
> tightened, not loosened (and the required sample sizes would have to go up 
> for all but the largest effects). The article should have been rejected until 
> the authors could demonstrate the same effect with and increased sample size. 
> As the old saying goes, extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence. 
> Chris
> …..
> Christopher D Green
> Department of Psychology
> York University
> Toronto, ON M3J 1P3
> Canada
> ………………………………...
> On Dec 11, 2014, at 2:18 PM, Ken Steele <> wrote:
>> A colleague sent me a link to an article -
>> I took a look at the original article and found this curious footnote.
>> Quoting footnote 4 from the study:
>> "While we acknowledge that a significance level of .05 is conventional in 
>> social science and higher education research, we side with Skipper, 
>> Guenther, and Nass (1967), Labovitz (1968), and Lai (1973) in pointing out 
>> the arbitrary nature of conventional significance levels. Considering our 
>> study design, we have used a significance level of .10 for some tests where: 
>> 1) the results support the hypothesis and we are consequently more willing 
>> to reject the null hypothesis of no difference; 2) our hypothesis is 
>> strongly supported theoretically and by empirical results in other studies 
>> that use lower significance levels; 3) our small n may be obscuring large 
>> differences; and 4) the gravity of an increased risk of Type I error is 
>> diminished in light of the benefit of decreasing the risk of a Type II error 
>> (Labovitz, 1968; Lai, 1973).”

Paul Brandon
Emeritus Professor of Psychology
Minnesota State University, Mankato

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