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contributing..JimFGCU jmatiya
Florida Gulf Coast University

to Contribute to a new E-book on the History of Psychological Sub-disciplines


Bill Wozniak, Doug Woody, and Rick Miller are
in the early stages of putting together a new e-book for STP. This one is
tentatively entitled Enriching the Classroom Experience for Teachers
and Students: Psychological Specialties in Historical Context.  The intention 
of this project is to connect developments in
Psychological Science to historical events. Each sub-discipline of Psychology
has a historical path that has been affected by forces both external and
internal to the typical scientific progression of hypothesis testing and theory
refinement. Indeed, some of the more interesting (and unexpected) developments
can be attributed to technological advances (such as MRI scans), social events
(the Kitty Genovese murder), or the unique contributions of an individual (Leon
Festinger). We would like each contributor to prepare a relatively brief 
of the history of their subfield or an area of their subfield (approximately
4000-5000 words), and we intend these chapters to be illustrative rather than
comprehensive.  Additionally, we would like each author to write three
short vignettes (i.e., one published page or approximately 600-1000 words), each
of which would provide a concise, accessible, poignant teaching story or
example for a classroom teacher who is unfamiliar with the history of this
sub-discipline; one vignette would provide a rich example of the influence of a
technological innovation on this subarea of psychology, and the other two
vignettes would address the effects of larger cultural changes on this subfield
of psychology and/or the impact of an individual.  We want contributors to 
consider historical
overviews and vignettes that could enrich classroom presentations in General
Psychology classes as well as topical courses across the psychology
curriculum.  We currently need authors
for the following topics: statistics, sensation and perception, intelligence
and testing, personality, psychopathology, social psychology, sport psychology,
evolutionary psychology, positive psychology, or social issues.  If you are 
interested in
contributing a chapter on one of these topics, please contact any of us.




Bill Wozniak (

Doug Woody (

Rick Miller (

Jim Matiya 

Too often we underestimate
 the power of a touch, a smile, a kind word, a listening ear, an honest 
compliment, or the smallest act of caring, all of which have the 
potential to turn a life around...Leo Buscaglia
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