Bahahaha!  Made my day!
Beth Benoit
Plymouth State University
New Hampshire

Sent from my iPhone

> On 22 Dec 2014, at 11:20 am, Jeffry Ricker, Ph.D. 
> <> wrote:
>> On Dec 21, 2014, Christopher D Green  <> wrote:
>> I apologize. I didn’t realize you had a personal anecdote on your side. 
> I've got an idea that I'm sure will work based on the effectiveness of 
> electric fences for cattle and other live stock from wandering off (I grew up 
> in what was then a rural part of Illinois). My recommendation would be to 
> attach one end of the wire to a power source and the other end to the floor 
> of the subway car--making sure, of course, that the wires run across the 
> edges of the seats. Then, when passengers knees "wander" beyond the seat edge 
> and their feet are on the floor, sans shoes and socks (the city will need to 
> pass a law requiring them to remove their shoes and socks), they get a shock.
> And just to bring a little psychology into this, the shocks should start at 
> 15 V and be increased by that amount for each transgression. In fact, we can 
> use some other features from those experiments. For example, when "electric 
> seat fences" are first introduced on subway cars, the MTA might want to hire 
> actors to "manspread" repeatedly on purpose until they're screaming in agony. 
> I even would recommend that this be taken one step further: have some actors 
> make so many mistakes that eventually they appear to have been killed (make 
> sure to add a little smoke and the smell of burned flesh: little things like 
> that would be extremely important, I would argue).
> I'll bet we'll get most of those rudely splaying men to sit like proper young 
> ladies in short order, especially once pictures of the smoking "corpses" hit 
> the front page of the NY Post.
> Best,
> Jeff
> P.S. I'm so glad that I live in Arizona, where rude people can strap on a 
> Glock, and no one would even consider asking them to sit properly.
> -- 
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Jeffry Ricker, Ph.D.
> Professor of Psychology
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Scottsdale Community College
> 9000 E. Chaparral Road
> Scottsdale, AZ 85256-2626
> Office: SB-123
> Phone: (480) 423-6213
> Fax: (480) 423-6298
> ---
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