Did you know that certain types of cognitive skills APPEAR
to peak at certain ages?  For example, it once was believed
the knowledge of vocabulary peaked in the late 40s but newer
data suggests it peaks in the late 60s or early 70s -- though
it is unclear how this is affected by the rate of introduction
of neologisms (i.e., new words) into common usage as well
as reading patterns, media exposure, social interactions,
and a bunch of other variables.

I was vaguely aware of such things (I'm working on figuring
out whether there are critical period for certain cognitive
abilities or merely sensitive periods) but I became aware
of this because I read a news article from the MIT news office
on research conducted by two MIT'ers.  You can read it here:

But, hey, the research described is supposed to be published
in the Association for Psychological Sciences' (APS) journal
"Psychological Science" and I thought "Hey, I'm a member of
APS, why don't I go over to the APS website and get a copy
of the article!?!"  So I go over to the APS website, go to the
section for Psychological Science and do a search for one of
the authors (Joshua Hartshorne).  And this is what I found:

This is basically a news article based on the MIT news article
(there's a link at the bottom of the page that connects to the
MIT page for additional info).  A sidebar box to the APS article
For a copy of the research article and access to other Psychological
Science research findings, please contact:

And I got to wondering: wait a minute, I'm already on the APS
website, the articles imply that the research is published in
Psychological Science, so where is it?  If it isn't available to
APS member yet, why was it made available to the media?
If you search for "Joshua Hartshorne" and "Laura Gemine" in
news.google.com you'll find a growing number of mass media
websites reporting on this research (they all could be relying
on the MIT press release instead of the original article).

This raises the question of why one would want to release research
to the popular media before the official release of the research
article?  How is one to evaluate how accurate the reporting is in
the popular media account if one does not have the original
research article?  Is this shameless self-promotion or the
well intentioned desire to make readily available important
research results?  But if it is the latter, why isn't a pre-publication
version of the article made available (I can't find any link to it
on either the MIT or APS sites; I did not bother to go to Hartshorne's
website to see if it is there -- it also does not seem to show up
on scholar.google.com).

So, what is going on?

-Mike Palij
New York University

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