Mike I am working on a post about a C word.but it is
not within the   context you referenced.Hint: it is offensive and derogatory to 
 a spedific  ethnic group
of a cricket team.
daytona beach,florida
  From: Mike Palij 
  To: Teaching in the Psychological Sciences (TIPS) 
  Cc: Michael Palij 
  Sent: Tuesday, March 10, 2015 4:49 PM
  Subject: [tips] When You Write Your Research Article, Don't Use The C-word

  Some of you are probably aware of the story that down in Florida 
  you aren't allowed to use the "C-word" in public discourse or written 
  materials -- here's an instance of what happens if you do:

  I guess the number of words one can't use in "polite company" just
  keeps on increasing.

  -Mike Palij
  New York University

  P.S. To anal-retentive English usage types: I know it should be the
  "c-phrase" but that doesn't work as well as "c-word".  Why don't
  you try to make a better joke. ;-)


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