On Thu, 23 Apr 2015 12:30:23 -0700, John Kulig wrote:
On the surface, doesn't seem like a traditional psych topic, but
this can be related to culture, biological needs (eating), fads,
social bonds, evolution (was there really one one Paleo diet?)
perhaps body image too. I resonate to such topics and this
captured my attention:


There a "psychology of eating" area where such topics are
covered, as represented by Lexa Logue's work; for example:

While on the topic, has anyone eaten "spotted dick"?  For those
who are unfamiliar with spotted dick, see the Wikipedia entry:

If you would like to eat some spotted dick, check out Amazon:
It's by Heinz, so it has to be good! ;-)

-Mike Palij
New York University

P.S. The Brits give their food odd names, don't they?

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