These are just the ones I've used this semester:

I'm sorry that you will not get your papers back today, my grandchildren have 
been visiting, and, as so many of you have told me all semester long, family 
time is very important. I will start on them tonight, after my family leaves.

I'm sorry about the condition of your papers. I realize that some of them have 
rips, missing corners and tiny holes throughout. My cats got into my briefcase 
over night and had a ball. I don't think that they managed to consume any whole 
papers, so that cannot explain the few that were missing. 

I'm sorry that your papers are drenched in coffee stains. I was at Starbucks 
sitting at the counter grading these, when the person next to me knocked over 
his coffee right onto my entire pile of your papers.

I'm sorry to delay returning your papers: I ran a 10K on Saturday morning and 
spent the rest of the weekend alternating icing and heating my knees, ankles 
and hips. But you'll be happy to know that I came in second in my age group.


ps: And would you believe only 3 grandparents died this semester?

Annette Kujawski Taylor, Ph. D.
Professor, Psychological Sciences
University of San Diego
5998 Alcala Park
San Diego, CA 92110-2492
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