Holy cow, Batman. Bob Zajonc theory may have more relevance than we knew. And 
by extension, perhaps the James-Lange theory as 

Analyses support theory that Botox might alleviate depression

Injections of botulinum toxin A into the forehead worked better than placebo at 
reducing depression symptoms, according to a systematic review and an analysis 
of three randomized trials. The studies were small and more research is needed 
to confirm the findings, but the treatment might be useful in some refractory 
disease cases, said Julio Licinio of the South Australian Health and Medical 
Research Institute, who was not involved in the studies.

Edward I. Pollak, Ph.D.
Professor Emeritus of Psychology
West Chester University of Pennsylvania
Home page: http://home.comcast.net/~epollak/
Editor of "Ed's Bluegrass Newsletter" at 
Husband, father, grandfather, bluegrass fiddler & 
biopsychologist............... in approximate order of importance


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Chester University.

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