Proctor is very well known in Science & Technology Studies. He got into a dust 
up in the psych journals several years ago with an eminent historian of 
psychology named John Burnham (Ohio St., I think), who had apparently once 
testified in court on behalf of tobacco companies, bringing his historical 
expertise to bear on the topic. I do not recall all the details at present, but 
that is probably why his name turns up in PsycInfo. Agnotology has been around 
for a long while now. Proctor's book on it is from 2008. Although it is often 
described as the "study of ignorance,"  it is really about the intentional 
*production* of ignorance (or justification for the denial of knowledge that is 
well-established), usually for political or commercial purposes. Tobacco 
companies "selling doubt" about the health effects of their product is the 
classic example. More recently, manufacturing doubt about the cause and effects 
climate change has become the central item. (Naomi Oreskes has shown that not 
only is the style of argument in the cases of tobacco and climate change 
similar; it turns out that the two campaigns have often been developed by the 
selfsame "scientists" who sell their academic cred to corporations who need the 
appearance of "independence" to enhance the  believability of their denials.) 
Evolution is a frequent "victim" of similar campaigns. Every time you hear a 
politician start their remarks with "I'm not a scientist but it seems to 
me...," that is a classic agnotological trope in action. 

Christopher D Green
Department of Psychology
York University
Toronto, ON   M3J 1P3
43.773759, -79.503722

> On Apr 17, 2016, at 4:24 PM, Jim Clark <> wrote:
> Hi
> Came across following article describing work by a science historian under 
> the rubric of “agnotology” (study of ignorance) that clearly overlaps with 
> interest in critical thinking, debunking, and the like in psychology.
> Here’s an intro to Proctor’s book on the subject.
> Proctor has a few references in PsycInfo, three on tobacco and one on 
> eugenics, which probably overlaps with psychology in other ways as well 
> (e.g., evolutionary psychology).
> New to me, but perhaps not others.
> Take care
> Jim
> Jim Clark
> Professor & Chair of Psychology
> University of Winnipeg
> 204-786-9757
> Room 4L41A (4th Floor Lockhart)
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