"Watch over your heart with all diligence, for from it flows the springs of 

        You know, all my degrees, titles, positions, publications, workshops, 
and grants don't approach being all there is of me.  They are only a part of my 
being.  They sure aren't the whole of my wholeness.  In fact, they are the 
least of me, for we all, as James Allen said, are great or small according to 
our controlling desires or dominant aspirations.  Our unconditional faith, 
hope, and love for both ourselves and others should be a dais for being the 
larger person. 

        The academic culture, which puts up distancing, disconnecting, and 
disinteresting walls and barriers of disheartening "objectivity," that focuses 
on credentialing, that almost promotes a social phobia, that doesn't recognize 
education as a "people business," however, has not caught up with the research 
on teaching and learning.  Just one example is Stanford's Clifton Parker and 
Gregory Watson who found that a central tenet of teaching is to build an 
empathic-mindset in teachers, if for no other reason than empathy, a better 
understanding of and relationships with each student, a compunction to be kind, 
better connects the teacher with each student, supports and encourages the 
teacher and each student, and improves the teacher's and each student's 
behavior and performance.  I was recently reminded by three students I chanced 
to meet separately over the last few days, who had been in class with me that 
last fall semester before I retired, that the great feat of making a difference 
comes from one's humanity within, from making an altruistic commitment of 
serving others, not from a self-centered lengthening of a resume, getting a 
promotion, achieving tenure, or acquiring more zeros on our salary.  

        By seeing and listening to students through a moral lens that reveals 
our own human quirks, habits, faults, and fears, we are better able to be 
empathetic to the faults and fears of others; we can stand in their shoes; and, 
although we may not agree with them, we can perceive the world through their 
eyes; and, we can appreciate and validate their point of view.  When, with a 
certainly, we judge, abstract, stereotype, generalize, or label the individual 
and unique humanity out of students, however, we leave ourselves little room 
for faith, hope, love, respect, kindness, and caring for each. Only by being 
honest with our own story, can we really begin to understand what other may be 
going through.  While we need to see ourselves clearly, that doesn't mean we 
obsess over our faults; it means we learn from them and about others.  Trust 
me, that is not an easy task, and it can be at first painful.

        To do this, as the Zen saying goes, we must simultaneously sit and rake 
the garden.  Outside and inside the classroom, we must quiet our mind, stop and 
listen, stop and see, soften our spirit, and open our heart. To discover 
ourself and others is, as this proverb says, loving self-kindness, and we sense 
the need for connection to help others do the same; we offer because others are 
part of us and what we are doing.  To put it in classroom terms, there is no 
teacher without a student and no student without a teacher.  They go 
hand-in-hand.  Then, we will have learned to see the hidden beauty in the 
ordinary.  As Rumi said, "There are hundreds of ways to kneel and kiss the 
ground."  I say there are as many ways as there are students in a classroom.  
We will nurture new energies, leave worn and accepted paths, strike out on new 
ones and help others do likewise, and still feel comfortable and safe.  We will 
see beyond the sights; listen beyond the sounds; go behind and between the 
words and body movements; notice the pregnant silence.  We will become 
intensely interested; become curious; pay attention; shun assumption and 
presumption; slowly walk rather than jump to conclusions; anticipate less.  
We'll be receptive to surprise and delight; seize on the unpredictable; notice 
the unique; go for potential; we see into the future and imagine what can 
become.  To do all this are acts of faith, hope, and love; they're acts of 
respect and of giving a damn; they imbue individual dignity, nobility, and 
sacredness.  If we know her or him, if we know her or his story. If we know a 
few peculiarities about a student, then, it is hard, almost impossible, to do a 
life-sucking-out assault on her or his sacredness, to jump to conclusions and 
rush to judgment, and turn her or him into a flattened, lifeless anonymity of 
abstraction, stereotype, generality, or label.  When we do that, as these three 
students just reminded me, we will be surrounded by a field of exciting 
possibilities.   And, then, you enjoy it all.

        "Watch over your heart with all diligence, for from it flows the 
springs of life."

Make it a good day


Louis Schmier                                   
203 E. Brookwood Pl                         http://www.therandomthoughts.com
Valdosta, Ga 31602 
(C)  229-630-0821                             /\   /\  /\                 /\    
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                                             /\"If you want to climb 
mountains,\ /\
                                         _ /  \    don't practice on mole 
hills" - /   \_

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