On Wed, 09 Nov 2016 18:38:27 -0800, Jim Clark wrote:
Sometimes we get the leader that others deserve, but not us!

No, it is on all of us in the U.S.  It is amazing that someone
that not only lost his own state but is actually disliked on the
island he lives on (Manhattan) won the U.S. Presidency.
People in rural areas of the U.S. for some reason think that a New York realtor will treat them better than they have
been treated. Voldemort even now has a mass of protesters
outside of his home on 5th Avenue.  He better move to one
of his other houses quickly if he doesn't want people reminding
every day that "He's Not My President".

-Mike Palij
New York University

P.S. Anyone who has deal with a real estate agent in New York
knows that they are the lowest form of life. In additions here are some other things to consider:

Trump = Cheeto Fuhrer

-----Original Message-----
On  November-09-16 6:58 AM, Mike Palij wrote:

We get the leaders we deserve.

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