I can't find any recent empirical data in the effectiveness of specific wording 
on warning signs.

For example, which is more effective: a sign saying "Do not litter. Fine $100" 
(punishment approach) or "Please help to keep our community clean" (please 
assist apprach).

Several years ago I read (I believe it was a meta-analysis) that there was no 
difference in the effectiveness of the different approaches, although the 
different wordings were preferred/liked by different groups according to 
gender, age, education, life orientation, etc.

Any recent empirical data (or even experience) in this?

Also, what about a community where more than 50% are illiterate and where signs 
without words will have to be used?  I am busy with such a community project in 
a very poor, uneducated and isolated area of South Africa.  Input from 
community psychologists working in similar areas will be appreciated.



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Dap Louw
Extraordinary Professor: Psychology
Buitengewone Professor: Sielkunde
Faculty / Fakulteit: The Humanities / Geesteswetenskappe
PO Box / Posbus 339, Bloemfontein 9300, Republic of South Africa / Republiek 
van Suid-Afrika
[http://apps.ufs.ac.za/emailsignature/siteimages/icon_tel.jpg]27(0)43 841 1193
[http://apps.ufs.ac.za/emailsignature/siteimages/icon_cel.jpg]27(0)83 391 8331




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