I moved from teaching to research twenty years ago, so I'm not hip to what's what in textbooks these days. And now I've got a postbac who needs an assist with the basics of logical inference.
I'd like a book that explains (a) what kind of data you need to address a given question, and, complementarily, (b) what kinds of conclusions you can draw from a given set of data on hand. Ideally, this would cover both randomized experiments/trials and observational/longitudinal studies. What exists? --David Epstein da...@neverdave.com --- You are currently subscribed to tips as: arch...@mail-archive.com. To unsubscribe click here: http://fsulist.frostburg.edu/u?id=13090.68da6e6e5325aa33287ff385b70df5d5&n=T&l=tips&o=52328 or send a blank email to leave-52328-13090.68da6e6e5325aa33287ff385b70df...@fsulist.frostburg.edu