hi all,
i have little method for parsing line in tkinter.Text.
text.bind(‘<Return>’, parse)
def parse(event=None):
    text = get_current_line()                                     # this give 
me whole text on line
    pattern = r”^.*define\s<?P<defkeyword>.*):$”  # simple search pattern
    reg = re.compile(pattern, re.S|re.M)                   # for use with more 
    match = re.search(reg, text)
    if match:
        print(‘found %s definition.’ % match.group(‘defkeyword’))
        text.insert(‘end’, ‘\n’)
        text.insert(‘insert linestart’, ‘\t’)
there is small problem for me. how to insert tab into newline without next ‘\n’ 
i want only 2 lines not 3.
i want:
1.    define some:
2.    .......[next insert will be here]
and not:
1.    define some:
2.    .......
3.    [now ‘end’ points here]
and second how i define width of tab in chars not in pixels using 
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