I had a look at the tcl8.6 page (the most recent version)
and it only allows -justify: left, right or center.

Some notes/code how to justify text in a text widget
shown in http://wiki.tcl.tk/1774
but that would need to be translated to python code.
Seems lots of work, and highly artificial


On Tue, Feb 15, 2011 at 8:58 PM, craf <p...@vtr.net> wrote:
> Hi.
> Is there any possibility to justify the text within a Text control?. In
> my example code, I set the text using the wrap option value 'word'
> Code:--------------------------------------------------------------
> import Tkinter
> master = Tkinter.Tk()
> master.geometry('150x100')
> t = Tkinter.Text(master, wrap='word')
> t.pack(side='top', fill='both')
> master.mainloop()
> Thanks in advance.!
> Regards
> Cristian AbarzĂșa F.
> -----------------------
> S.O: Ubuntu 9.10
> Python 2.7
> Gnome 2.28
> Tkinter 8.5
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